My Collection

My Kraftwerk Collection

(2183 items and counting)

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  • chris martley
    Posted at 19:01h, 29 July Reply

    jarre oldfield sky I thought it was only me but since the Web I know I’m not the only one even though my mates at the time thought I was strange thank God for the Web and now they are coming round to it and understanding happy days

    • John
      Posted at 09:17h, 30 July Reply


      It’s now totally different from the 80s and 90s!

  • peter morgan
    Posted at 13:33h, 07 October Reply

    I’ve got a booleg from 1975. Is it worth selling?

    • John Shilcock
      Posted at 14:54h, 07 October Reply

      Can you provide more details? Is it a CD? LP? What is the title of it? etc…

  • Jan Andersson
    Posted at 19:27h, 27 January Reply

    Hi I have a picture disc LP of Compter World wichs is supossed to be a missprint
    The Text on records says Casa Grande Oro 123 / 1993
    I think you know about this,but is it rare and does it have any value

    Thanks Jan

    • John Shilcock
      Posted at 22:03h, 27 January Reply

      The version that plays TEE?

      Because of its nature.. ie a misspress l do believe it is quite rare.

      However, because i have not seen it for sale except when l got it, l don’t know it’s value.

      Have you seen it somewhere? Or do you have a version!

  • Frank Holt
    Posted at 02:55h, 04 August Reply

    Hi, I have a nz made demo record EMI 5175


    was wondering if anyone would have any interest?

  • Peter Morgan
    Posted at 12:27h, 08 August Reply

    I have a bootleg vinyl called kometenmelodie. Is it worth anything. Can’t upload picture.

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